Covid-19 Screening
The COVID-19 Screening application is an Alberici solution that is used to validate and verify site/office personnel compliance with Alberici Covid-19 policies. It includes a custom questionnaire, user submission search and a portal for admins to manage projects, user permissions and more. This space contains documentation for the COVID-19 Screening application. For a list of the latest updates, see the Release notes and notices section below.
This section provides information about what is new or changed in this space, including urgent issues, documentation updates, releases, and patches.
Date | Title | Summary |
1/27/2021 | Release | Released Version 20210121.1 including the following bug fixes and enhancements.
1/9/2021 | Release | Released Version 20210110.1 including the following enhancements.
1/7/2021 | Release | Released Version 20210108.1 including the following enhancements.